Ford Long Bien


"Art" using fragrance attracts customers by captivating human emotions with scents.

As a new standard in customer service and brand value enhancement, FORD Long Bien chose scent diffuser SH-Area Plus and SH-Oporate with pure essential oils from Scent Homes for their showroom.

Following a minimalist style – strong and modern, FORD LONG BIEN chooses the Peach Blossoms oils. The scents of peaches blends with the cool, gentle scent of bergamot and ylang ylang flower as the dots that break new and different features into the space.

With a team of aroma experts in design art, Scent Homes has responded comprehensively, creating success for the space of the entire Ford Long Bien Showroom. 



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Scent Homes Vietnam

The fragrance elevates brand and living space level



-Address: 21th Floor, Gelex Tower, 52 Le Dai Hanh Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Ha Noi.
-Hotline: 18009445 (free) | 0967007788 (24/7).